Convenient cleaning of the bottom reason: regardless of the water away from the Aquarium gravel cleaner mulm the EDEN 501 ground, without the gravel to whirl or in the filter to suck. Points that are difficult to access with the compact, transparent suction tubes are easy to clean.
With the help of the water return remain dust particles in the filter sponge, while the water is pumped back into the aquarium. It is a clean and thorough work without excessive water withdrawal or overflow of the bucket.
The gravel cleaner comes with two suction pipes (Ø 25 mm/13 mm diameter), hoses and a mounting bracket. It is with the EDEN 114 Aqua Power-Fail In-Out Set can be combined to at the same time a water. Suitable for fresh and marine water aquariums!
Suction tubes (ø25mm and ø13mm)
Technical data:
Power consumption: 5 watts
Max. Filter capacity: 300 l / h
Filter: 280 cm³
Cable length: 1.5 m