Reducer Aquario Standard is a high quality product, designed from the beginning to the end especially for the aquarium. It is characterized by extraordinary precision dosing of CO2 and design using proven solutions. Reducer has built: bubble counter, precise valve, and the valve, the anti. Two clocks show the key parameters of CO2 pressure inside the cylinder and pressure reducer. This makes it easy to predict the consumption of gas in cylinders and read the level of reduction of the pressure. Reducer made of alloy corresponding to the highest technical requirements, while providing high strength and reliability of its components. The result is the 100% tightness and high precision dosing of gas. Aquario Drop Checker (glass constant test CO2) which is placed in an aquarium, and that continuously monitors the level of carbon dioxide content in the water and signals to the appropriate zabarwieniem.Szklany Nano CO2 diffuser made from high quality laboratory glass, sintered ceramic. By using microporous sintered ceramic enables an efficient way to dissolution of carbon dioxide in the aquarium water. Diffusers unlike any other on the market spray gas all its surface, which translates into better dissolving carbon dioxide in water and smaller losses.Simulations box will also find a handy key by which easily dokręcimy reducer to CO2 cylinder. In the box with a set of find: 1. Reducer Co2 BLUE Aquario2. Diffuser Co23. Drop Checker4. PU hose (3m) 5. The key to screw reduktora6. Installation and commissioning PL, CZ, EN, DE, ES, RU