Before treatment stop feeding, clean the aquarium glass, substrate and filter to reduce the organic waste load.
Caution! Be careful not to overclean the biofilter or to use any sort of chemicals or chlorinated tap water that can kill the beneficial bacteria in the bio-filter.
Step 1: On day one add 1 level of included spoon (1 g) for every 500 liter (130 US gal) of Aquarium water for 24 hours. Some worms like camallanus (red worms protruding from the fish anus) will require higher dose of 1 spoon (1g) for every 75 Liters (16.5 US gal). Then do a large water change to end the treatment.
After the water change add WormerX again for another 24 hours then perform a 70-100% water change to end the treatment. Tip: One dose can last for 48 hours if you add ammonia neutralizing agent and are treating in hospital tank.
For smaller volumes of water add 1 level spoon to 100 ml of water and stir it, until the powder is completely dissolved. From this solution take 1 ml for every 5 liters (1.3 US gal) of aquarium water. The prepared solution should be stored in a fridge and used within one week.
On Day 15 repeat step 1 again. Repeating the treatment is essential to complete the treatment because the medication will only kill the worms, however, the eggs will hatch after 2-3 weeks and re-infect the fish.
Precaution: Store in a cool dry place, away from children reach. For use on ornamental fish only, not intended for use on fish for human consumption. WormerX will not impact the bio-filter, the treatment should be in the main tank for all fish with filters running. If using in non-filtered tank or after use of Chloramine-T or bactocide (which will kill bio filter bacteria) use water treatment product that protect from ammonia spikes.
Stop feeding during the treatment period.
Levamisole HCL
Not for human consumption or animals meant to be used for human consumption. For use with Ornamental fish only.