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Anubias nana Gold
This is another new variety of dwarf Anubias called 'Gold'. It was discovered during regular cultivation at a nursery in Taiwan. After the isolation period it took several years to establish a stable stock. With leaves ranging in colour from light green to yellow-gold it is significantly different from the other, darker green types of Anubias. Again, it does not do well in very low lighting as this makes the leaves turn a darker colour.
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Altura de crescimento 10 a 20 cm País de origem Sri Lanka
Uso NanoCube Tipo Rosettenpflanze
Família Araceae Espécies Cryptocoryne
Criação de animais Ausläufer Velocidade de crescimento Mittel
pH 6 a 8 Dureza da água 10 a 20 ° dh
O Sri Lanka é o lar de muitas espécies de criptocoria, incluindo o Cryptocoryne beckettii. Estas plantas também foram cultivadas com sucesso em aquários durante décadas. Na natureza, eles são encontrados em áreas sombreadas perto das margens de córregos e rios, onde crescem anfíbiamente acima e abaixo da linha d'água. A cor de qualquer folha submersa varia em tons de verde e marrom. Coloração de folhas diferente dentro da mesma espécie é típica do gênero Cryptocoryne.
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"Lamandau Mini Red" é uma forma rara e atraente de Bucephalandra da região de Lamandau, no sudoeste de Bornéu. As folhas são caules curtos, alongados e obovados com margem ondulada. Eles têm cerca de 3,5 cm de comprimento e 1 cm de largura. O crescimento é muito lento. Intensidade de luz média, bom suprimento de CO2 e nutrientes e corrente de água contribuem para uma aparência vital da planta.
Anubias nana Gold
This is another new variety of dwarf Anubias called 'Gold'. It was discovered during regular cultivation at a nursery in Taiwan. After the isolation period it took several years to establish a stable stock. With leaves ranging in colour from light green to yellow-gold it is significantly different from the other, darker green types of Anubias. Again, it does not do well in very low lighting as this makes the leaves turn a darker colour.
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We discovered this grass-like beauty on our Florida Plantahunter Tour in winter 2012. At first glance it looks very similar to Helanthium tenellum (former name: Echinodorus tenellus) and is easily confused. The difference lies in the colour and width of the leaves and the growth height appears to be somewhat smaller. We named this plant 'Broad Leaf' due to the width of the leaf blades being up to 2.5 mm. The colour of the leaves stays bright mid-green, so it combines well with colourful plants such as Hygrophila pinnatifida, for example. Care needs are similar to the standard Helanthium tenellum. Lawn formation is encouraged by vigorous pruning.
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A new genus takes aquatics by storm! The endemic genus Bucephalandra is only found in Borneo and like the Cryptocorynes and Anubias it belongs to the arum family. The exact scientific definition is currently very uncertain, so we get the name of this variety from the habit of the plant. Bucephalandra species are epiphytes and should therefore be attached to stones and roots. The 'Wavy Leaf' variety grows especially vigorously and is a decorative beauty. An ideal plant for Nano Cubes!